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Fléchette pointe acier (3pcs) Tony O'Shea

Quantité Prix unitaire
À 2 65,95 € *
À partir de 3 64,75 € *
À partir de 5 63,65 € *

Prix dont TVA plus frais de port

Délai de livraison 28 Jours ouvrés


  • 4390002023-23G
Fléchette pointe acier (3pcs) Tony O'Shea Target are proud to partner with BDO England Captain...plus
Informations sur le produit "Fléchette pointe acier (3pcs) Tony O'Shea"

Fléchette pointe acier (3pcs) Tony O'Shea

Target are proud to partner with BDO England Captain Tony 'The Silverback' O'Shea to produce a precision made dart that reflects his passion for the game. The 90% Tungsten dart is beautifully contoured and features a classic grip form to produce a dart with a superb grip and feel.

Tip: Steel tip
Barrel: 90% Tungsten
Shaft thread: 2BA (4,7 mm thread diameter)

22 g
Weight: Barrel 22 g, total 24 g
Barrel length: 5,1 cm, total length: app. cm

24 g
Weight: Barrel 24 g, Total 26 g
Barrel length: 5,1 cm, total length: app. cm

26 g
Weight: Barrel 26 g, Total 28 g
Barrel length: 5,1 cm, total length: app. cm

Manufacturer: Target
Manufacturer article no.: 101360, 101361, 101362

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